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Chris Jussel Antiques CHRIS JUSSEL ANTIQUES - My primary focus in collecting over the past 45 years has been English Antique Furniture of the 17th- to 19th-century, and even the 20th-century. Pieces that inspire me to collect are those that express a quality of design; ones that express the quality of workmanship in the CHRIS JUSSEL ANTIQUES - My primary focus in collecting over the past 45 years has been English Antique Furniture of the 17th- to 19th-century, and even the 20th-century. Pieces that inspire me to collect are those that express a quality of design; ones that express the quality of workmanship in the execution of this design. I am particularly keen on patination and color and like to see a good hard wax finish, vibrant color and good-quality carving. Beauty, utility, quality, condition and authenticity.
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